Surprise! As an impulse, I decided to change up my layout a bit today. I wasn't happy with the way my old header looked, and then things just snowballed from there :)
I figure since I am showing off a brand new look, I should also take this opportunity to show up a new product from my TpT store:
I'm particularly jazzed about these worksheets because I am going to be starting my harmony/texture unit soon. This project will allow my students to experiment with writing three-part music and hearing how the texture fits together.

I recently downloaded some instrument clipart from The Dancing Crayon so I really wanted to include that in this product. I also wanted to make something that incorporated a cut-and-paste component... I used to think that my 3-5 graders were "too cool" and "too mature" for that kind of thing, but I'm starting to rethink that, since they LOVE any time I ask them to color with crayons. So we're going to try it out.
I made an exemplar and I have to admit... I had fun meticulously cutting and pasting the little squares!
I'm looking forward to trying it out with many different grades, since the actual rhythmic content is open-ended and can be adjusted to meet the level of whichever students are working on it.
Once we get back to school, I will let you know how it works out!

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